Online Saijiki in English

Where to Publish Haiku in English

Browse Listings

Where to Publish Haiku in 2024: A Brief Overview

If you don't care about the theory and practice behind this page, you can skip straight to my listing of haiku journals. Otherwise, read on!

There are dozens — at least — of haiku journal publishing English-language poetry, and many of them can be great options if you want to know where to publish haiku you've written.

Using tools like Duotrope and The Submission Grinder is a great way to look for journals in general. If you're new to submitting creative writing, I definitely recommend giving these a look.

However, none of the submissions-oriented websites out there work very well for tracking haiku journals, which typically differ from more mainstream poetry publications, and they don't always include all the available options. Frankly, there are also just a lot of haiku journals out there, and it's hard to decide where to publish haiku — or figure out which journals to avoid.

What's On This Page?

On this page, I've attempted to make it easier for newcomers to haiku to find a journal and submit to it. Each listing below includes the link to a journal, its submission periods, a description of how to send, and a description of what to send.

Note that many other poetry journals also accept haiku. This list only includes journals where haiku or related forms are the only — or primary — type of poetry published.

Journals with no website are not listed, as I cannot confirm their submissions information or whether they are still actively publishing. If I notice that a journal has not published for a year or more, I will remove it.

A Note About Journal Rankings

For ease of use, I've split the list below into categories. It's important to note that the category I've placed journals in is not a commentary on the quality of the work the journal publishes. Instead, my categories are based on the following criteria:

  • Recognized - These are what I would consider "top tier" journals, ones that have been around for more than 15 years and have a strong history of recognized excellence in the English-language haiku community. That makes them excellent choices for where to publish haiku.
  • Established - These journals have existed for 5 or more years, have consistently published issues during that time, and use author-friendly submissions practices like set reading periods and responding to all submissions.
  • Other Journals - Anything in this category doesn't meet the criteria for a higher ranking, but I didn't find anything alarming about it. Probably it's just a newer journal, or one that doesn't follow best practices for handling submissions.
  • Not Recommended - I don't recommend submitting to these journals. Usually that's because they do things like claim copyright of your work as soon as you submit it or never respond to submissions. See the notes for specific reasons.

Haiku Journal Listings

This list was last updated July 31st, 2024.

Journals are listed alphabetically within each category.

Recognized Haiku Journals

These are what I would consider "top tier" journals, ones that have been around for more than 15 years and have a strong history of recognized excellence in the English-language haiku community. That makes them excellent choices for where to publish haiku.

Acorn: A Journal of Contemporary Haiku

  • Website:
  • What to send: 10-15 haiku
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    Spring 1 January - 28 February
    Fall 1 July - 31 August
  • Notes:

Asahi Haikuist Network

  • Website:
  • What to send: Unknown number of haiku per issue
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • When to send: Rolling submissions
  • Notes: Published as part of Asahi Shinbun, a Japanese newspaper. Check most recent post for current theme and deadlines.

Blithe Spirit

  • Website:
  • What to send: Unknown number of haiku, tanka, haibu, sequences, and linked forms
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    February 1 December - 31 December
    May 1 March - 31 March
    August 1 June - 30 June
    November 1 September - 30 September
  • Notes: Only British Haiku Society members can submit.

Bottle Rockets


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 4 haiku, senryu, and tanka, up to 1 haiku or tanka prose, up to 2 haiga
  • How to send: Email, see website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    Spring 1 February - 1 March
    Fall 1 August - 1 September
  • Notes: Publishes in English and German.


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 8 haiku or senryu
  • How to send: Submittable
  • Submission deadlines:
    Issue Deadline
    March 10 February
    June 10 May
    September 10 August
    December 10 November
  • Notes: Haiku and senryu accepted from all poets — other submissions require a membership in WA Poets Inc


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 8 haiku and senryu, up to 3 haibun and rengay, up to 1 renku
  • How to send: Google form on website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    Spring/Summer 1 March - 31 March
    Autumn 1 July - 31 July
    Winter 1 November - 31 November
  • Notes:

The Heron's Nest

  • Website:
  • What to send: 5-15 haiku
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • Submission deadlines:
    Issue Dates
    March 15 December
    June 15 March
    September 15 June
    December 15 September
  • Notes:


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 8 haiku, senryu, tanka, haibun, or haiga
  • How to send: Email, see website
  • When to send: Varies, see website
  • Notes:


Modern Haiku

  • Website:
  • What to send: 5-15 haiku and up to 3 haibun
  • How to send: Email, see website
  • Submission deadlines:
    Issue Dates
    Summer March 15
    Autumn July 15
    Winter/Spring November 15
  • Notes:


  • Website:
  • What to send: up to 10 poems of shorter than 14 lines
  • How to send: Email on website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    Spring 1 February - 28 February
    Autumn 1 August - 31 August
  • Notes: No simultaneous submissions


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 10 haiku, senryu, tanka, or haibun
  • How to send: Email, see website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    March 15 December - 31 January
    July 15 April - 31 May
    November 15 August - 30 September
  • Notes:

Prune Juice

  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 5 senryu or kyoka; up to 3 haibun or gembun, linked forms, or haiga
  • How to send: Email, see website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    April 1 February - 28 February
    August 1 June - 30 June
    December 1 October - 31 October
  • Notes:


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 10 scifaiku, senryu, tanka, or haibun
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • When to send: Any time
  • Notes: Science fiction, fantasy, or other speculative elements required.


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 5 haiku, tanka, and other tiny poems, tanka prose and haibun, or haiga
  • How to send: Form on website
  • When to send: Varies, see website
  • Notes: 5 total pieces per author per submission period

Established Haiku Journals

These journals have existed for 5 or more years, have consistently published issues during that time, and use author-friendly submissions practices like set reading periods and responding to all submissions.

#Femku Mag

  • Website:
  • What to send: 4-8 haiku, senryu, tanka, or kyoka; up to 3 haibun, tanka prose, gembun, haiga, rengay, tan-renga, haiku sequences
  • How to send: Google form on website
  • When to send: Varies, see website
  • Notes: Restricted to poets who identify as women, nb, and/or trans (see specific issue guidelines for details)

Akitsu Quarterly

  • Website:
  • What to send: up to 8 haiku, up to 4 haibun or haiga
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • Submission Periods:
    Issue Dates
    Spring/Summer 1 January (until filled)
    Fall/Winter 1 May (until filled)
  • Notes:


  • Website:
  • What to send: Unknown number of haiku, senryu, tanka, haiga, haibun, or linked verse
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • When to send: Any time
  • Notes: Bilingual submissions only, with English as one language. Previously published poems accepted.

Autumn Moon Haiku Journal

  • Website:
  • What to send: up to 2 haiku
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • Submission deadlines:
    Issue Deadline
    Spring/Summer 1 May
    Autumn/Winter 1 November
  • Notes: Accepts haiku in languages other than English with a translation

The Bamboo Hut

  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 5 tanshi (traditional, contemporary and experimental haiku, senryu, sedoka, dodoitsu, ryuka, monostitch, ju roku)
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • When to send: Varies, see website
  • Notes: No profanity.

Butterfly Dreams

  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 20 haiku or tanka
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • When to send: One submission every three months
  • Notes: Poems are translated into Chinese; no simultaneous submissions

Carmina Magazine

  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 5 poems
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • When to send: Any time
  • Notes: Poems inspired by mythology. Anonymous submissions only


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 10 tanka, up to 12 haiku, up to 12 senryu, up to 3 haibun, up to 3 tanka prose, up to 3 haiga/tankart
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • Submission deadlines:
    Issue Deadline
    Spring 1 February - 28 February
    Autumn 1 July - 31 July
  • Notes: No simultaneous submissions

Café Haiku

  • Website:
  • What to send: up to 5 haiku, senryu, haibun, tanka, or haiga, up to 1 renku
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • When to send: Varies, see website
  • Notes:

The Cicada's Cry

  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 10 haiku/senryu
  • How to send: Email (see website)
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    Spring 1 February - 15 February
    Summer 1 May - 15 May
    Autumn 1 September - 15 September
    Winter 1 November - 15 November
  • Notes: Published poets get a contributor copy

Echidna Tracks

  • Website:
  • What to send: up to 5 haiku
  • How to send: Form on website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    July 1 April - 31 April
    January 1 September - 31 September
  • Notes: Submitters must have a connection to Australia

Failed Haiku

  • Website:
  • What to send: 2 to 8 senryu, up to 2 haiga or haibun
  • How to send: Email on website
  • When to send: See website for details
  • Notes:

Haiku Commentary

  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 5 poems
  • How to send: Email on website
  • When to send: No more than once per month
  • Notes: Previously published work welcome. The editors will publish poems with their own commentary.


  • Website:
  • What to send: 1 haiku
  • How to send: Submission form on website
  • When to send: 1 submission every 6 months
  • Notes:


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 10 haiku, senryu, tanka, haiga, & haibun
  • How to send: Email on website
  • When to send: Any time
  • Notes: Assume rejection after 1 month

Horror Senryu Journal


  • Website:
  • What to send: 5-10 haiku/senryu
  • How to send: Email on Website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    Spring 1 February - 28 February
    Autumn 1 August - 31 August
  • Notes: No simultaneous submissions

The Mamba

The Other Bunny

  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 3 "cutting edge" haiku, haibun, or haibunga
  • How to send: Email on website
  • When to send: Any time
  • Notes:


  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 5 small poems
  • How to send: Email on website
  • When to send: Varies, see website
  • Notes: Published as part of Petrichor

Pure Haiku

  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 5 haiku
  • How to send: Email on website
  • Submission periods:
    1 - 31 October
  • Notes: Themed submissions

The Sciku Project

  • Website:
  • What to send: Haiku based on scientific discoveries
  • How to send: Form on website
  • When to send: Any time
  • Notes:


Time Haiku

  • Website:
  • What to send: haiku, tanka, haibun, and renku
  • How to send: email on website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    August 1 February - 30 April
    February 1 August - 31 OCtober
  • Notes:


  • Website:
  • What to send: up to 5 haiku or senryu
  • How to send: Email on website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    Jan/Feb 1 November - 10 November
    March/April 1 January - 10 January
    May/June 1 March - 10 March
    July/August 1 May - 10 May
    Sept/Oct 1 July - 10 July
    Nov/Dec 1 September - 10 September
  • Notes: See submission page for specific details

Under the Bashō

  • Website:
  • What to send: Up to 10 haiku, up to 10 haiga and visual haiku, up to 3 haibun, up to 10 postku, up to 5 linked poems, up to 1 "personal best" piece
  • How to send: varies by genre, see website
  • When to send: Opens 1 March, typically closes in November
  • Notes:

Wales Haiku Journal

  • Website:
  • What to send: 5-10 haiku; unknown number of haiga and haibun
  • How to send: Email on website
  • Submission periods:
    Issue Dates
    Spring 1 March - 31 March
    Summer 1 June - 30 June
    Autumn 1 September - 30 September
    Winter 1 December - 31 December
  • Notes:

Other Haiku Journals

Journals in this category don't meet the criteria for a higher ranking, but are typically following good, author-friendly practices. These tend to just be newer journals, or those which don't explicitly send rejections.

Cold Moon Journal

Not Recommended