
The Bread Must Rise!

A woman in red robes looms above a crowd of bakers, including an armored knight, a portly man in a wizard's robe, a muscle-bound person snapping a baguette in half, and several more.

A 2023 Nebula Nominee!

The Great Godstone Bake-off has arrived! As a hapless baker deeply in debt, you finally have the opportunity to rise to fame and fortune! Under the tutelage of such famous chefs as Gordon Ramslayer, Tira Misu, and The Baladin, you will learn the arts of baking, breadcrafting, and dare you whisper it…necromancy?

A text-only cosmic horror / fantasy / baking / comedy extravaganza, co-written with James Beamon!

Published by Choice of Games, September 28, 2023.

Shorter Interactive Fiction

I sometimes write shorter pieces of interactive fiction (IF), which you can find below.

From November 2017 to August 2020, I was also editor-in-chief of sub-Q, an online magazine that published short works of IF. It was an education!

Fovermore: A Game of Writing Horror

You are Allen Edgar Poet. Can you balance broodiness and distraction until you finish your greatest work?

Written in under 4 hours for ECTOCOMP 2024.

A Death in Hyperspace

A 2024 Nebula Nominee!

When your captain dies suspiciously halfway through a hyperspace transit, you know you’re in trouble. Not because you need a captain — as an embodied AI spaceship, you can pilot yourself just fine — but because, as an aficionado of mysteries and detective stories, you know there’s only one explanation: murder most foul.

Written with Phoebe Barton, James Beamon, Kate Heartfield, Isabel J. Kim, Sara S. Messenger, Naca Rat, Natalia Theodoridou, M. Darusha Wehm, and Merc Fenn Wolfmoor for IFComp 2024. (September, 2024)

Haunted House for Social Phobics

When you signed up for the haunted house tour, you were expecting chills and thrills and jump scares. What you got was something far, far more terrifying. 

Can you survive being continually thrust into awkward social situations?

Written for Ectocomp 2023 in about six hours. (October, 2023)

One Does Not Simply Fry

A fantasy parody game built in Choicescript, chock full of Lord of the Rings jokes and absolutely zero nutrients. Four playable characters and endless zany hijinx. Can you craft the On(e)ion Ring and defeat Sour Ron?

Written with James Beamon for IFComp 2023 (October, 2023).

an evil eye glares from the center of an onion ring

Trick or Treat or Trick or Treat or Trick

It’s your first year trick or treating alone. Will it be your last?

A parser game about time loops written for Ectocomp 2022 in just under four hours.

Return to Castle Veederstone
…for the first time
…for the last time

A parody of Ryan Veeder’s excellent “Castle Balderstone” games, written for Ectocomp 2021 in roughly four hours.

Untitled Nopperabou Game

It’s a beautiful night in the village. You’re a faceless ghost.

A spooky homage to Untitled Goose Game, written for EctoComp 2019.

The Magistrate’s Chambers

An interactive crime drama with supernatural elements set in Tang Dynasty China.

Written for EctoComp 2018.

Images Across a Shattered Sea

An interactive version of one of my short stories, published in sub-Q in 2016.

Illustration by Paul Otteni.

Visual Novels

StoryLoom was a visual novel platform run by Pixelberry (the same folks who do Choices). I wrote for the platform in 2022 and 2023. Unfortunately, the StoryLoom platform closed down in early 2024, so these games are no longer available to play.

Derby Witch

Three months ago, Cordelia’s girlfriend ghosted her. Cordelia likes her coven, and her magic is helping people, but she just can’t get over that lost relationship. Then her coven leader enters the group in a Witch Derby tournament. Soon, Cordelia is tangled up with famous skaters — and with the ex who ditched her.

Will Cordelia be able to take back her life on the derby track, or will everything spin out of control?

A sapphic fantasy romcom, complete in 19 chapters as of September 25, 2023.

5 + 1 = you

After waking, you find yourself in a strange house. Who are you. How did you get here? Your only clue is a crumpled piece of paper with the number five printed on it and a handwritten warning—”watch yourself, you’re not alone.”

Can you find out who you are? More importantly, can you escape? 

A puzzle-based adventure game in the style of Myst and Riven, complete in 6 chapters as of May, 2023.

a woman's silhouette against glass reveals the hallway of an abandoned house

illustration of a person's head. the top part of the head is replaced with a nebula of stars, and library books flutter across their face

Library of Worlds

A demon lord in the library?! When Shan starts to have weird dreams just after starting their new job in a small public library, they realize they’re the reincarnation of the demon lord from their favorite fantasy series.

A cozy reverse isekai fantasy visual novel written in Storyloom. 13 chapters long, completed in February, 2023.

Weeding the Library of Worlds

Shan is starting to get used to their new job as a library assistant when the head librarian disappears into a book—literally! With the worlds in the fiction section combining, can Shan rescue their boss?

A short standalone companion story to “The Library of Worlds.” Written in Storyloom. Three chapters long. (February, 2023)

An illustrated bookshelf. The middle shelf is empty, while the top shelf has a small door in it that has opened to reveal a curling tendril and glowing light.